Poor Digital Rights Governance: Users, Investors, and Societies Pay the Price

Rebecca MacKinnon & Melissa Brown

Research Organisation
Ranking Digital Rights

Report Date
Oct. 29, 2018

Document summary

In this update to their 'Farsight Award Shortlisted' 2017 report, Ranking Digital Rights dig deeper into the performance of the information communications and technology (ICT) sector. Until recently, risk assessments in the sector have generally focused on regulatory compliance and technical security. However, recent events have shown that “cyber security” and “cyber risk” have been too narrowly focused on criminal and espionage activities. Electoral interference, targeted fake news and even genocide, have been linked to flawed business models designed to obscure the true price users pay for "free services", in giving companies access to their private information, communications, and financial transactions. In this in-depth analysis of how corporate boards exercise responsible oversight over digital rights, this timely and deeply relevant report ranks performance and examines how investors can review potential risks.

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